This will create a basic shape of a head with a sad expression. The head is created using a cylinder and a subtraction of another cylinder to create the depression in the forehead and around the eyes, which typically associated with a sad expression. The eyes are created using small cylinders and positioned in a sad position, and the mouth is created using a linear extrude of a polygon with a sad shape. You can adjust the dimensions, positioning, and shapes of the head and facial features to suit your needs and create your desired expression.
// Define the parameters for the head
$head_radius = 40;
$head_height = 60;
$eye_radius = 5;
// Create the head
translate([0,0,0]) {
difference() {
cylinder(h=$head_height, r=$head_radius, $fn=100);
translate([-20,-20,$head_height/4]) {
cylinder(h=$head_height/2, r=$head_radius-10, $fn=100);
// Create the eyes
translate([-25,-30,$head_height/2]) {
cylinder(h=$eye_radius, r=$eye_radius, $fn=100);
translate([-15,-30,$head_height/2]) {
cylinder(h=$eye_radius, r=$eye_radius, $fn=100);
// Create the mouth
translate([-20,-40,$head_height/4]) {
linear_extrude(height = 5) {
polygon(points = [[-10,-10], [-5,0], [0,-10], [5,0], [10,-10]]);