ChatGPT makes 3D sculpture of sadness

ChatGPT makes 3D sculpture of sadness

January 26, 2023

This will create a basic shape of a head with a sad expression. The head is created using a cylinder and a subtraction of another cylinder to create the depression in the forehead and around the eyes, which typically associated with a sad expression. The eyes are created using small cylinders and positioned in a sad position, and the mouth is created using a linear extrude of a polygon with a sad shape. You can adjust the dimensions, positioning, and shapes of the head and facial features to suit your needs and create your desired expression.

openscad code
3d rendering of openscad code showing abstract AI representation of "sadness"
// Define the parameters for the head
$head_radius = 40;
$head_height = 60;
$eye_radius = 5;

// Create the head
translate([0,0,0]) {
  difference() {
    cylinder(h=$head_height, r=$head_radius, $fn=100);
    translate([-20,-20,$head_height/4]) {
      cylinder(h=$head_height/2, r=$head_radius-10, $fn=100);
  // Create the eyes
  translate([-25,-30,$head_height/2]) {
    cylinder(h=$eye_radius, r=$eye_radius, $fn=100);
  translate([-15,-30,$head_height/2]) {
    cylinder(h=$eye_radius, r=$eye_radius, $fn=100);
  // Create the mouth
  translate([-20,-40,$head_height/4]) {
    linear_extrude(height = 5) {
        polygon(points = [[-10,-10], [-5,0], [0,-10], [5,0], [10,-10]]);

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